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A Blessing for Beginning the Day

May you welcome this day with a reverence of spirit.

May you begin this day with a grounded sense of your own being.

Do not begin without knowing that you are beloved, Beloved. Stop…and take a breath…

As you venture forth, take notice of the sun’s gaze as it meets you for the first time.

Feel the wind, the air upon your skin. Taste the atmosphere of the day and allow your presence to join the senses of the natural and invisible world before the rally cry.

May you know that you are held by the Cloud of Witnesses who have come before you.

This firmament of mighty truth tellers and rabble rousers and poets and storytellers and peacemakers and dreamers whose epitaphs of truths and courage you now speak - they remain with you. Even now. Feel their blessing whispered upon your heart. Feel their spirits surround you in protective light. Feel the current of their legacy carrying you forward.

May your purpose not be thwarted.

May you be met by unexpected companions.

May strange graces join you along the journey. And, may help always find you.

May this day be marked not simply by radical movement,

but may it infuse you with radical hope.

May the Source of life uphold you, protect you, and guide you.


Credit: Naisa Wong


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For Liberation

May our liberation come as we seek to bring liberation to others, realizing that our freedoms are bound together in our common humanity.


Created by David F. Potter, 2020

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