A collaborative, open access collection of
prayers for the people.
A Prayer for Justice, Mercy and Vulnerability
Creator God... Today, we ask
you for the same constructive
anger as when you cleansed
the temple, and the same mercy as
when you entreated the Pharisees
to join the Father’s feast.
That We Might Envision a
New America
God who gathers your people
and holds them to her bosom
as a hen gathers her chicks...
Hear the prayers of the mothers locking arms on Portland’s front lines. They chant: "Leave our kids alone!"
A Prayer for Our Lady, Burster of Walls
Like pushing the Incarnate
One through the walled
amniotic sac, you O Maryam, continue to bring down walls... We beg you for your ardent intercession, to bring down this wall.
For Community
Health and
Street Medics
Empower and guide our
street medics and community health workers; may they comfort and protect those along the way of life and truth...
Señor, tú eres presencia
constante en medio del pueblo
que sufre y clama... Que
nuestras vidas sean el sacrificio perfecto para la transformación de nuestra realidad.
A Prayer for
Healing Justice
God, as our world is on fire, we
are desperate for a healing justice unshackled from any industrial complex. Empower us to build new relationships that are intersectional, embodied, and equitable.
Search by keyword, contributor name,
hashtag, event, etc.
Categories reflect existing contributions;
additional categories will be added as necessary.
Movement Prayers is a collaborative, open access collection of prayers for the people.
Activism is sacred work; it’s also hard, tiring work.
Spiritual grounding makes our commitments to social activism more sustainable.
This project exists to provide free, accessible resources for movement chaplains, social healing efforts,
and anyone seeking a spiritual anchor for social change.
All prayers featured on this website are available for free use and distribution at demonstrations,
acts of civil disobedience, as well as for use in vigils, worship services, and liturgies.
While these prayers are commonly guided by a vision for transformative social change,
theological diversity and ideological tension is both inevitable and is encouraged.
Movement Prayers was created and is managed by David F. Potter.
Unless otherwise specified, all contributions to Movement Prayers are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
